
Video: Science Geeks Partying for Darwin

Walter L. Newton2/12/2009 6:05:09 pm PST

re: #542 rawmuse

I do have a facebook account, but I am pretty low profile, and I stick to professional networking. Of course, that network is neck deep in crazies too. People there were just today writing about the Bush economy. Getting a little late for that by now. I just keep my head down, but it helps me keep in touch with family and such.

I’m confused again. Inside of Facebook, can’t you keep someone from linking from their Facebook page to your page? And vice versa?

If you answer is YES, then how does anything get out of control. You don’t put “friends” on your page who are kooks, and you do not accept a “friends” link on his kook site.

This is what confuses me. Doesn’t Facebook work just like any other social network, I mean a live one. You just don’t associate with kooks.

I know I don’t.