
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Russkilitlover4/29/2009 2:09:57 pm PDT

re: #493 turn

That reminds me, I have to start studying my sample ballot and surfing the web.

Hate to sound like the dreaded party of no, but I voted no on all the propositions, each one is odious and a lie designed by the Dems and enthusiastically supported by the Reps.

Just one example:

You will find buried on page 13 of the Prop 1A description that it will add 2 more years to the income/sales/car taxes. An additional $16 Billion in taxes to the already hugemongous taxes just inflicted on us. The additional tax period is not in the ballot summary, even though the Howard Jarvis group sued for it to be in the summary, and there is no mention in their ads that it extends the taxes 2 more years.