
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]12/23/2009 3:24:24 pm PST

re: #551 Escaped Hillbilly

Wind up bird, don’t you get it, the art the artist creates is the only way to judge an artist’s character. He communicates with the world through his art. He chooses what to communicate. So don’t blame us if we take him at his word. And just because I don’t like his work and think he’s a weirdo, doesn’t mean I think he is crazy or bad.


He chooses what to communicate, but a single image is not the totality of someone’s character as an imagemaker. I’ve painted hundreds of images. I have probably over 80 sketchbooks piled up in my garage, 20 years of work. You could probably flip open to certain pages and pass a lot of judgement on me, out of context.

This is one image, among thousands in his body of work. I do not believe you know a thing about Warhol. None of us are remotely qualified to judge his “character”.

If you think looking at one single painting somehow gives you a magic glimmering portal of insight where you think you can pass judgment on someone, you can think that, and I’ll find you silly for thinking that. Quite silly.