
And Now, the Blame Game

robdouth1/20/2010 11:06:40 am PST

re: #513 Cato the Elder

The mocking is uncalled for, and you’re just being an ass on the cheerios shit. You know what my point was in that sentence and yet you willfully ignore it and make a mocking point completely unrelated. Sorry if the tone was harsh, but I hear stories day in and day out just in the little podunk town of Wickenburg about people who are gaming the system. People who come back early for their refill of their script who stupidly admit when my mom says they can’t get that narc until a week from then that they sold what was left in their bottle, and just expected to just be able to get a refill.

My heart goes out to them, if they sold it because they needed the money, but why the hell should we subsidize that with our tax dollars. No one seems to worry about controlling the costs, just getting everyone coverage. More coverage will mean more costs, and more opportunities for fraud in the system which already go unnoticed and undealt with for the most part.

I just can’t stand how if you aren’t on board with socialized medicine, you’re demonized as an uncaring a-hole and your viewpoint is characterized with the quote “I got mine, screw you.”

The whole point of the Cheerios bit, is that I am making it, and have good coverage, and make decent money, but I’m still smart enough to set my priorities as not needing name brand everything and saving for my retirement. I’ll never sniff 6 figures a year (not even half that), but because of the way I live and save money, I’ll retire a multimillionaire using even the most conservative projections. Now is it fair to penalize those who are doing things the right way and planning for the future, when so many of the healthcare and economic problems are from people who won’t live within their means? That’s the lesson from the Cheerios sentence, not that poor people don’t deserve to eat what they want.

You know the average millionaire in this country shops at Costco and tries to live within their means, which is why they got to that point. It’s a slap in the face to them, and it basically says that in the fable of the ant and the grasshopper, it’s better to be the grasshopper.