
Breitbart Shocked, Shocked to Find That Birtherism is Going on at TeaBagCon

jamesfirecat2/07/2010 3:33:07 pm PST

re: #573 Buck

Again, I think you are being purposely dense. In my #570, which you quote in your #571 there are examples of “democrats actively calling for discrimination against Gays”. You either are purposely ignoring what I write (despite quoting it), or are really that blind.

I summarize your position this way:

If a person on the right is homophobic, he is wrong. If a person on the left is homophobic, at least his heart is in the left place.

You continue to clarify DADT as a homophobic bill.

Would you clarify the law that made it possible for blacks to serve in the US army, even though they had to serve in segregated units as a racist bill?

Maybe it was, but at the same time it was a step forward.

Obama is trying to repeal DADT by legislative means, since if he does it by executive order it can be undone by executive order.

When a person on the right is homophobic they are wrong, when a person on the left is homophobic they are wrong.

But there sure seem to be a lot more people who are a lot “more wrong” about gays on the right than on the left.

How can you see “no difference” between the party that mades it possible for gays to serve in the military and is now trying to let them do it openly, and the party that 3/4ths of doesn’t think gays should be allowed to teach their children?