
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

freedom_fighter2/27/2009 1:17:11 pm PST

I am simply amazed by the level of contempt for this woman, even by fellow Christians. She asks for no government hand out or grant. She is a non-existent threat of blowing herself up for her beliefs in order to kill as many infidels as possible. She is not trying to conduct a government power grab. She merely believes something different than you and wears a different set of lenses to interpret scientific data - that God created the universe about 6,000 years ago, and about 90% here sound like they’d crucify her given the chance. Why is that?

She says that belief of a young earth is NOT a requirement to be a Christian, it is her belief based on the Genesis 1 Hebrew scripture. Yet even fellow Christians mock her along with the rest. She said the only requirement is a faith in Jesus Christ for salvation - and I think that is where all this anger comes from, courtesy of the lizard army. And unfortunately many here will disregard her entire message about Christ because of her young earth belief.

Whether she is right or wrong, none of us can say with 100% certainty until of course we die (and based on some belief structures, even then we may not know). At least this woman stuck to her beliefs, didn’t back down when she knew she will be mocked later for those beliefs, and gave decent explanations based on her world view. And when she says that even a 1-year old is a “sinner” she is referring to all of mankind inheriting original sin, and therefore why all mankind needs forgiveness of sin from their creator. The Christian belief is that those who die before the “age of accountability” automatically enter into paradise (heaven) with Christ so we can tone down the hate for her based on that comment. To ask why God would give a child cancer is like your pet dog trying to ask you why you keep taking him to the vet for painful shots. First, God isn’t “giving” the child cancer, God allows disease in a fallen world as the doctor states. As to “why” well this is a question you can ask God. Perhaps because of this cancer, the family will humble themselves, stop living in sin, and come to Christ, who knows.