
Sekrit Counter-Jihad Summit Held

Fenway_Nation5/24/2009 7:51:19 pm PDT

Un-fucking-believable. I guess on some level I shouldn’t be surprised that CNN chose to run this UNMITIGATED LOAD OF BULLSHIT on Memorial Day weekend.

Zaeef — who claims he is no longer a Taliban member — alleges the military engaged in abusive treatment both at Bagram and Guantanamo. He says he is still bitter about his time there. Closing Guantanamo Bay, he told CNN, is only part of the justice those detained there deserve.

“It was a bad stain on American history,” he said. “If they are closing Guantanamo for justice, they have to bring the people who are torturing people, who abuse people, to justice.”

FUCK HIM AND FUCK CNN! This fucking piece of shit forefitted his right to ‘justice’ by whatever definition when he cast his lot with the fucking Taliban.