
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

voluble5/27/2009 7:21:12 am PDT

I know I am not physiologically or racially equipped to have an opinion but I would just like to say I told you so. My prediction was that Obama would either give us the judicial equivalent of Joe Biden or he would pick an idealogue. He did both. Well played indeed.

If flat out stating that a Latina is better qualified to be a judge than a white male is not racist then nothing is. Anyone who supports this woman needs to go ahead and sign up for the minority equivalent of Storm Front… or join Acorn… if there is a difference. It’s not like she made a flippant statement that she didn’t intend to put into law. She has already ruled that white men are not to be allowed equal treatment under the law. And she did it with no legal reasoning whatsoever… in a single paragraph.

As to her “backing off” the comment about making law from the bench it was widely understood by the audience she was talking to that she meant exactly what she said. She gave them the wink, wink, nudge, nudge just like Obama gives everyone the Okey Dokey. Her racial views and contempt for the law are of course disqualifying attitudes for anyone hoping to be a judge in a decent or sane society. In ours, as currently constituted they are actually seen as assets… because the judicial system is just another road to power. Judges don’t get to make statements like she made… whether they half-heartedly and laughingly try to back off them or not. And again, it is not as if her pattern of rullings don’t back up the allegation.

And damn that Fox News for pointing all of this out! WTH is wrong with them! Minorities can’t be racist. They can make racist statements and they can make racist rulings but they can’t be racists. Racists hang out at Tea Parties. They don’t sit on the Supreme Court. They don’t vote Democrat. EVERYONE who is anyone knows this! Hummmph!

BTW, I wonder if Sotomayor would care to provide an empathy chart to the judiciary committee showing the breakdown of empathy along racial, sex and class lines. We know white males are at the bottom but maybe she would like to explicate just where a Hindu female lays in relation to a black male for instance? If Latinas are not at the top then I would like to see her explain why she should be picked over an equally qualified applicant who is at the top. She could also explain why the ability to feel for or sympathize with others is rooted in race and physiology. Then she could explain just what the hell any of that has to do with enforcing the law as written.

There is just a wicked type of stupid loose in the country when people like Obama and Sotomayor can tell you exactly how they intend to screw you and still people support them in the hopes that someone else… who deserves it after all… will be the one to get screwed.