
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

jamesfirecat5/21/2010 6:41:42 am PDT

re: #17 Cato the Elder

“With whom you’ve had many previous issues”, you mean?

Buckley is not the point here. He later revised and said he regretted those views.

On another subject altogether: how is Rachel Maddow’s 20-minute attempt to get a “gotcha” (or, as I would put it, a straight answer) about private property and race out of Rand Paul (an attempt which I consider completely justified given his weasel words) any different as an intellectual ploy from Rep. Smith’s attempt to get a “gotcha” (or, as I would put it, a straight answer) about radical Islam out of Eric Holder?

I’ll go with “The Venue” for 500 Alex.

Also I fail to see why the straight answer Rep Smith wanted was anywhere near as important as the straight answer Rachel Maddow did was.

Maddow was after information about the nature of a man who wants to make up a full 1% of the upper most house of legislation in our nation. (It may not sound like much but these day one vote can mean a lot)

Smith was just after a sound byte.