
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

DaddyG5/04/2010 7:36:22 am PDT

Radical Moderate Bitch of the week

In regards to the infantile and ongoing debate regarding who’s Presidential disaster response was worse Bush/Katrina or Obama/Oil Spill…

1. Get over your conspiratorial fantasies. The President does not have the power to prevent disasters (natural or man made)

2. The President only has limited power in how quickly he responds once local first responders ask for help.

3. The President does not have the power to order the CIA to blow up Levies or Oil Rigs.

4. Can we please not refer to a city built five foot under sea level in a traditional Hurricane risk zone as a “natural” disaster?

5. Finally and most importantly – let’s not make any big decisions about long term energy and environmental policy during a crisis.

On a lighter note – if this had happened in ANWAR can you imagine the commercial featuring several volunteers trying to clean a polar bear with Dove soap?

In regards to the bombing attempt in Manhattan…

1. Forget radical Islam – we should profile New York tourists driving used cars.

2. During the 24 hour news cycle following a terrorist attack or threat, instead of hoping the terrorists are Middle Easterners, Asians, Mexican gangs, Middle Aged Angry White militia men or any other demographically challenged idiot… why don’t we wish (pray/genuflect to the deity of your choice) that we just catch the terrorists before someone gets hurt?