
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

Catttt2/15/2009 8:22:16 pm PST

re: #385 jcw46

I will indulge you; read the statement of “principals”. (and I use the word principals loosely and only so you’ll know what to look for.)

Did anyone mention the “statement of principals” has been deleted from the CCC Web site? The page is blank. But - I located it here. Sorry if someone else posted this already - I just got off work.

A few things that jumped out at me:

*As part of their “European heritage” thing, they want to stop non-white immigration and are against race mixing (and I read that to mean both that they are pro white separatism/nationalism and anti mixed racial marriages (which kinda screws both President O and my mom’s entire family).

*They are rabidly gay bashing. They also seem to be pretty much everything but the missionary position with your clothes on - and then only if you are married.

*They want a Christian nation - with Christian public schools, etc.

*They are against free trade, international commerce, and basically say to our allies “good luck and screw you.”

*They want to put a lot more people to death than we do now for a lot more reasons.

Bottom line for me - in a nutshell, they can go fuck themselves as far as I’m concerned. Damn.