
Overnight Open Thread

Afrocity2/27/2009 6:25:40 am PST

re: #550 Kenneth

It’s sad, but it shows how shallow the liberal values of tolerance and anti-racism go. I recall reading about how Steel was pelted with oreo cookies while campaigning for election a few years ago. Classy.

I left that party because suddenly I did not recognize it anymore. During this past election I heard the most hateful things come from Democrat’s mouths:

As a Black Democrat, I am embarassed for the Republican party by the actions of Michael Steele. Each day he does something else to prove that he does not have a clue about leading a party and what is needed to attract more voters!

Steele and Jindal are the “new” face of the GOP - people of color with their both their feet in their mouths. As an Indian American, I find it embarrassing to see Jindal sing-songing his BS on behalf of the rich, white man’s party… talk about being a houseboy.

Palin, Steele and Jindal: The GOP’s “Trinty of Tokenism.” LOL!

There is nothing less cool than someone from the party of rich old white men trying to act like he and his party are are hip. Steele has bombed worse than Jindal did.

The GOP’s affirmative action plan is backfiring on purpose. Except the people it’s backfiring on— Steele, Jindal, etc— seem to have missed that memo. Social marketing at it’s scuzziest.

Okay that’s it. I am writing to Michael Steele. The GOP members of color need to be more vocal. I want to make a television ad. This is PISSSING ME OFF. So I am an uncle tom too I guess. I am gonna do something about this.