
Overnight Open Thread

unproven innocence6/01/2009 7:15:26 am PDT

re: #57 Fenway_Nation

I see the Bill Ayers ad….wonder if I should call in and ask about the two Nyack, NY police officers and Brinks armoured truck guard that his foster son’s natural parents killed back in ‘83.

It was 20 October 1981. Kathy Bodin was close to Bill Ayers, long-term. Altho the weathermen were bent on smashing monogomy, among other things, Boudin was Ayers’ first “wife”. She, along with Ayers and Dohrn, were self-identified Weather Underground members in the 1976 film, Underground.

Long story here: The Brinks Robbery of 1981 - The Crime Library - Crime Library on pt1 of 16