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Nyet3/09/2012 9:26:36 am PST

re: #539 Creeping Diversity

Note Norman Podhoretz’s proposed solution to the “Negro problem”:

His past is a stigma, his color is a stigma, and his vision of the future is the hope of erasing the stigma by making color irrelevant, by making it disappear as a fact of consciousness.
I share this hope, but I cannot see how it will ever be realized unless color does in fact disappear: and that means not integration, it means assimilation, it means — let the brutal word come out — miscegenation. The Black Muslims, like their racist counterparts in the White world, accuse the “so-called Negro leaders” of secretly pursuing miscegenation as a goal. The racists are wrong, but I wish they were right, for I believe that the wholesale merger of the two races is the most desirable alternative for everyone concerned. I am not claiming that this alternative can be pursued programmatically or that it is immediately feasible as a solution; obviously there are even greater barriers to its achievement than to the achievement of integration. What I am saying, however, is that in my opinion the Negro problem can be solved in no other way.

Of course, considering the number of American blacks in relation to whites, this wholesale merger would be a simple disappearance of the blacks as a group.