
WND Promotes Nirtherism in Iraq

Biff2/24/2009 5:53:33 pm PST

re: #573 Bloodnok

Had he been born on his mother’s trip to say Kenya, when it may have been planned that the mother was to have returned to Hawaii for the birth, it is very easy for me to imagine that the maternal grandparents may have phoned in the birth as local, just to simplify things. If Stanley returned to Hawaii after the birth, a Certificate of Live Birth could still have been issued based on an affidavit, and not as the result of a hospital generated birth certificate. Which brings to mind the possibility that there are Customs and Immigration records of Stanley Anne Dunham’s travels at that time.

I’ll address the issue of Stanley Ann Dunham’s lack of ability to pass on citizenship on the basis of age next.

I am sincerely hoping that since Charles posted this topic, it means that he is tolerated opposing views on this topic, at least on this thread.