
Florida City Cancels 'Tea Party' Because Organizers Refuse to Get Insurance

Spar Kling3/29/2009 7:44:05 pm PDT

re: #299 Etaoin Shrdlu

This is one of a the few cases where I disagree with the Lizard King —

Yes and yes. The Bill of Rights wasn’t written with three pages of footnotes in 5pt Helvetica; “no law” means “no law”, not “provided your papers are in order”.

In my opinion, you’re right and it’s a big problem.

Some years ago, a Florida restaurant was brought to court for not soliciting enough minority applicants for their job openings. Witnesses were brought in who testified that the “word on the street” was that minorities need not apply. Never mind that the restaurant was minority owned. The court agreed and directed that all new hires would first have to be approved by the court. The restaurant owners complied, but they had their employees wear a button advertising that they were court-approved employees. The judge in the case was not amused and threatened contempt of court for “misuse of the first amendment.”

I probably did not get all my facts right but to have to go to court to determine whether something is or is not ok under the first amendment certainly means that you no longer have the right.
