
Mike Huckabee Says Obama 'Grew Up in Kenya'

lostlakehiker3/02/2011 8:27:50 am PST

re: #577 aagcobb

US v. Wong Kim Ark states that “natural born” is based on English common law. A “natural born subject” of the crown was a person born within the realm with the exception of the children of ambassadors or of enemy soldiers in hostile occupation of a portion of the kingdom. This definition would exclude McCain, however under the Constitution it is for the electors and Congress to select the President, and the courts have no authority to question their judgment as to presidential eligibility.

So, just to get this straight, you are saying that if Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to run for president, that nothing in the Constitution could stand in his way? We all know that he is not in fact a natural-born citizen. Most of us realize that that’s a pity; he’d make a better presidential nominee than most Republicans with some sort of chance to get the nomination.

But we’ve been blinded by the seeming constitutional bar. It’s not there? No court has any authority to say different? Or what courts say just doesn’t matter?