
Police Investigate Rep. Weiner's Contact with 17-Year Old Girl

Killgore Trout6/11/2011 7:48:24 am PDT

Wiener update: Weiner’s exchanges between teacher, teen revealed

Hours after the e-mails were unearthed, Delaware cops descended on the home of a 17-year-old high school junior to ask her about online communications she had with Weiner.

They (cops) were made aware of an alleged contact between Congressman Anthony Weiner and an area teen,” said New Castle County police spokeswoman Officer Tracey Duffy.

“The teen has been interviewed and disclosed no information regarding any criminal activity.”

She said the probe was continuing.

The girl’s mother, whose name is being withheld, told The Post Wednesday that Weiner sent nothing obscene — and sent only two brief messages to her daughter about seeing him during an April school trip to the Capitol.

The teen, who idolized Weiner, was “disappointed” in him after his confession.

The mom said she pointedly questioned her daughter about whether Weiner sent her anything obscene, and the girl swore it was all G-rated.

“I guess because he knew she was in high school,” the mom said, though she added it was weird that Weiner would spend any time communicating directly with her daughter.

The mom did say her daughter wrote in one message, “I’m in love with you,” but explained it away with, “She’s 17.”

So that probably explains why Fox News was already on the scene. It was probably reported to police by Fox and/or wingnut bloggers.