
In New Interview, Edward Snowden Doubles Down on "Direct Access" Allegation

Heywood Jabloeme7/08/2013 6:31:04 pm PDT

Maybe we should all send a tweet and see if Dick Costolo, the CEO of Twitter, can’t answer questions regarding US Govt Domestic Spying. I mean, Twitter is a fairly influential US Company and he must have the resources to get any legal help that he might need if he were to break the law.

The CEO of a leading American company isn’t legally permitted to say if he’s been approached with government requests for information on Americans that he regards as abusive. In fact, he’d be perfectly free to say, “I’ve never gotten any abusive requests from the government.” But if certain kinds of abusive requests occurred he’d be barred from revealing them. He is left to squirm under questioning, because to tell the truth would imperil his freedom.


If you are skeptical of the author’s characterization of Costolo’s reaction you can watch the video yourself at the link.