
Scott Walker Tells Dana Loesch Mandatory Ultrasounds Are 'Just a Cool Thing'

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/27/2015 5:30:36 pm PDT

Real conspiracies can happen.

I’ve been wondering which Republi-crook is Putin’s man in the race. Walker seems a pretty good bet. Given the huge resources available in the conspiracy industry and the Republican base though, Vlad may in fact have more than one candidate in his pocket.

For many years, conservatives in this country turned over every rock and looked under every bed trying to unmask Russian agents of influence. They did a lot of damage but never found much in the way of real agents.

Today, with the communists gone and with Alex Jones’s effusive praise of Putin, and the vast influence of the Russian government outlet on the American right, real Russian influence on American public life is happening right before our eyes with little notice from anyone.

Is the far right becoming a Russian fifth column? Is the conspiracy industry and its strike arm, the militia movement, orchestrated from the Kremlin? The American far right militias, for example, are a close analog of the kind of irregular forces Putin likes to use in Ukraine and other places.

I know liberals and leftists are averse to such thinking for obvious historical reasons but the evidence against alleged communist “agents of influence” in the 40s and 50s was as nothing compared to the current Russian regime’s real, obvious influence over the right wing in this country.