
Host of Conference Feat. Cruz, Huckabee & Jindal Says He'd "Spread Cow Manure All Over" His Body

lawhawk11/09/2015 5:53:35 am PST

What color is the sky in their universe?

These same nitwits will claim Obama wasn’t vetted, despite hundreds of articles in MSM outlets questioning various aspects of Obama’s past. They’re still recycling the same baffling bs conspiracies too (because creating new ones is apparently too hard), and using that to give cover to Ben Carson, whose statements regarding West Point admittance, let alone whether he was somehow at the scene of a robbery, or that he attempted to get thuggish with his mom, are the least offensive things Carson has said on the campaign trail (or at any time at that).

Carson’s repeatedly shown that he has no understanding of how the economy works, how the US government operates, how budgets are put together, and would blow up the deficit with an even more insane budget plan that would saddle future generations with trillions in debt all to give the rich tax breaks.

Yeah, I’d gotta say that the sky in their universe is green - with greed.