
Wednesday Night Podcast: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, 11/10/15

Dr Lizardo11/11/2015 10:15:10 pm PST

Meanwhile, Poland’s new Defense Minister is apparently a conspiracy nutjob.

Poland’s newly appointed defence minister has been condemned for entertaining the possibility that a fraudulent document claiming to show there is a Jewish plan for world domination may be real.

Now, if you’re thinking “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, you’d be 100% correct!

Macierewicz told listeners to Radio Maryja in 2002 that he had read Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a pamphlet that purports to be a Jewish plan to control the global economy and media, but which has been exposed as a hoax.

He acknowledged there was debate about the pamphlet’s authenticity, but told a listener: “Experience shows that there are such groups in Jewish circles.”

And that’s not all….

In the early 1990s, he led a search for communists among former Solidarity leaders, accusing them of having worked for the secret police. He even accused the union’s founder, Lech Wałęsa, of being a spy known as Agent Bolek, but his claims could not be proven.

More recently, he has been the main champion of a theory that a plane crash that killed 96 Poles in 2010, including the Polish president, was assassination orchestrated by Russia, rather than an accident as official investigations found.

“The government headed by [Russia’s then prime minister Vladimir] Putin is fully responsible for this tragedy,” he told the European parliament in March.


BBL… to teach.