
Joe Bonamassa Does Hendrix: "Are You Experienced?"

BeachDem11/11/2016 9:53:03 pm PST

re: #42 Pawn of the Oppressor

We’re going to be so not corrupt, we’re gonna have the best people, the best not corruption, not like this disastuh we have now… Et cetera, ad nauseam

I wonder if Dump will resign or give up the office early on. He’s already wondering if he can be President from Trump tower. I could see him leveraging his victory as “A way to bring attention to the plight of the working people, which we will now cover on Trump TV” and hand it all over to Pence.

This assumes humility not in evidence, of course.

Yeah—what a bunch of bullshit that he doesn’t want to spend much time in the White House. You applied for a job that required relocating, asswipe, not telecommuting.

Since the country is falling apart and broke and a disahstah, we cannot afford to schlep your hideous body back and forth from NY to DC nor the cost of maintaining your security at both residences.

What a fucking clown. And an asshole. And an ignorant one at that.
I’m not getting any better—still maintaining the John Cole stages of grief:
1.) Anger
2.) More Anger
3.) Fuck You
4.) Random lashing out
5.) Fuck you and anger and lashing out

The hamburger extension works on some sites (cuts down on the times I have to actually see the fucking yam’s face) and I still haven’t turned on a news channel since Tuesday. As horribly sad and angry and disgusted as I feel, I know that if I watched those simpering fools treating this nightmare as if it were perfectly normal, I would throw heavy objects through my tv.

I just really don’t see any way out of the way I feel. I don’t see any silver linings, and I don’t see any light at the end of any tunnel because I believe there’s been a landslide that will block it for the next 40 years. I think we are well and truly fucked—with the presidency in the hands of an insane moron, both houses in the hands of mean, vindictive assholes, the courts about to be packed with far-right ideologues and a cabinet full of miscreants and monsters, I just don’t find anything to be optimistic about.

I’m sad to say I keep thinking it’s always darkest before the light totally go out and plunge us into an abyss.

And on top of all that, I’m supposed to feel bad that no national Democrats went to fucking Nebraska. Spit.