
Cold War Heroes Beg Obama Not to Scrap Missile Defense

Desert Dog7/20/2009 12:58:37 pm PDT

re: #45 SpaceJesus

Maybe you should talk to the Czechs who weren’t alive during 68, and you’d see that the upcomming generation doesn’t care, and in fact doesn’t really like the U.S. in any capacity.

Don’t see it so much as abandoning them, so much as just letting them provide for their own defense for once. If Russia (lol) were to invade, of course we would back them up still…and that’s all the deterrent that is needed in my opinion.

They don’t need to invade. They can just hold the gas and oil monopoly over their heads and make them all bark like a dogs. This missile shield defangs Vald and his gang of their military threat. I am thinking this Russians are acting like peacocks in this matter and are mad that Europe will have larger plumage. It is more a matter of national pride and ego than anything else. If the Russians did launch a missile attack towards Europe, MAD is still in place and they know that.