
'No Evidence' Rifqa Bary's Parents Want to Kill Her

Sharmuta9/15/2009 8:36:45 pm PDT

re: #36

I found their website.

This “church” is really really strange (well, duh) and creepy.

Even if a person did believe this girl was in danger from her family, this church is NOT a good place for this girl to be.

I thought I might post their “values” from their website, but I think I won’t.

Why not? People should see it. I’ll post it:

1. We believe in a presence-based church where people genuinely and authentically encounter God.
2. We believe in the radical “Sermon on the Mount” lifestyle.
3. We believe in a spiritual revolution that will ignite the transformation of our culture.
4. We believe in leadership based on sound Biblical principles.
5. We believe in global preparation for the return of Jesus Christ, especially through 24/7 prayer and worship and through raising up end-time messengers.
6. We believe in building a spirit-led organization into true excellence.
7. We believe in building aBiblical family culture, nurturing parents and children alike, and ushering them into the presence of God.
8. We believe in building the body to be the bride of Christ - without spot, wrinkle or blemish.
9. We believe Israel is the prophetic key to the return of Jesus Christ.
10. We believe in signs and wonders that confirm that Jesus Christ is Lord

They’re the End TImer types who think Israel is their personal Doomsday Machine. That stuff always creeps me out. Leave Israel alone.