
Overnight Ocean

ausador11/30/2009 2:46:41 am PST

re: #47 laZardo

See if you can get a basic (not “blue”) American Express card. You have to pay it off in full every month so it isn’t like your going to build up debt but you will build an excellant credit rateing. That is how I started, next thing I knew I had offers from all the credit card companies pouring in.

Nowadays if I went out and charged everything I have up to the max I’d be about $130,000 in debt, nice to have I guess but only if you don’t use it. I have seen too damn many people sucked into the credit card debt black hole, really you should just save for things and pay cash, you can’t get into trouble that way. To build a excellant credit rating you still do that, you just charge it to the card and then pay it off in full at the end of the month instead.