
Weblog Awards Canceled Due to Something or Other

lawhawk1/05/2010 12:44:51 pm PST

re: #38 darthstar

By the same token, taking out the school - and the terrorists teaching the kids to be suicide bombers could save lives by eliminating the persons passing on technical know-how to be bombers as well as short-circuiting the indoctrination.

That doesn’t mean I’d support an airstrike against the facility because as you note if some relative survives, they’ll go on to vow revenge, but that too shows just how difficult it is to stamp out terrorists who have familial and tribal alliances and who seek to impose their way of life on everyone else via high explosives.

What this example once again highlights is the barbarism and brutality of those that we face - and by we I mean anyone who isn’t sufficiently Islamic enough for the Taliban/al Qaedists. That includes Pakistanis, Afghans, Westerners, Muslims, and non-Muslims.