
Right Wing Bloggers on Race

Fozzie Bear7/30/2010 11:10:31 am PDT

re: #14 Solomon2

I am a history buff. I know that our current nobody-mention-racial-characteristics is merely a contemporary pretense. Differences between peoples - how they think, personal inclinations, physical prowess, inclination to intellectual achievement, acceptable social conduct - do exist. By today’s standards recognizing this by interacting with different peoples on this basis earns one the derogatory label of “racist”.

This is an absolutely indefensible statement. Race, in terms of visually identifiable sets of shared physical traits such as pigmentation and minute differences in the shape of facial features, certainly does exist.

As far as intellectual capacity, overall physical prowess, “how they think”… that’s just pure racist eugenicist garbage.

Holy shit man, did you just get out of a time machine from the 1800’s or something?