
Overnight Open Thread

Birth Control Works2/17/2011 6:35:51 am PST

re: #55 iossarian

I really want to meet one of these “God-won’t-let-global-warming-happen” people, and ask them what percentage of people God would allow to die as a result of global warming (or indeed any other natural or human-induced catastrophe).

After all, we have such data points as the Black Death and WWI/II.

Would God allow the population of the US to be reduced by ~200 million people, for example, with the remainder living off what water is left in the Great Lakes?

As I say, I want to meet one of these people, but I never do.

I think they may be referring to the biblical promise never again to destroy the world thru flood. If Global Warming (in there minds) is going to cause great havoc, it will have to be by some means other than water.