
Jon Stewart on Senate Republicans: Please Tell Me This Is Rock Bottom

Birth Control Works12/06/2012 12:48:16 pm PST

re: #57 HappyWarrior

Their problem is they’re delusional enough to think that the American people reject them because they’re not conservative enough so they think that their textbook insanity- doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for different results will work. They don’t want to deal with the new demographics and realities because they’ve either ignored or insulted them. That’s why you see many a right wing pundit whining about how the country is changing (read less white). Demographic shifts happen all the time though. Once upon a time this country was overwhelmingly Protestant and the ideological ancestors of these people whined about Catholic and Jewish immigrants. They see cultural change as a personal threat to them.

Yeah, it’s tough when you aren’t in control of the world.

Wait, isn’t that the basis of Christian Dogma?
