
Seth Meyers on Another Crazy News Day: Stormy Daniels Sues, Gary Cohn Quits, Trump Talks North Korea

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/08/2018 1:12:49 pm PST

re: #533 KGxvi

So just went to the White House website to see if there was a copy of the proposed tariff orders up yet to read. They’ve redone the website and it looks a lot more like a campaign website than I can ever remember seeing before. For example, there’s now an “issues” tab at the top of the page, and when you click on it, you get sent to a page that reads much more like a campaign than a government. Also, I can’t seem to find proposed regulations, executive orders, or bills that have been sent to the president. Something seems very not right about this.

I use the White House page primarily for flag proclamations when I’m wearing my flag committee chair hat here.

Right after Trump took office, the Webpage was redesigned and made very difficult to find proclamations amongst all the news releases, self-promotion, quasi-campaign statements, &c.

While there was news releases when Mr. Obama was President, they were placed under a separate tab. Proclamations were by themselves and easy to find.

Either they are intentionally making the Website hard to use, or they can’t even get a good IT person.