
Video: Here's the 10-Minute Preview of Sascha Baron Cohen's Outrageously Funny "Who Is America? (2018)"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs7/16/2018 8:28:45 am PDT

re: #570 Jay C

BTW, Cheryl Rofer at Balloon Juice has a much-better take on that missing-nuclear-materials flap in San Antonio: short version: it was inexcusably sloppy and the Pl and Cs samples are dangerous to anyone who handles them improperly, but said samples were only a couple of milligrams: all the fearmongering stuff about “nuclear bomb material” was sensationalist (and irresponsible) journalism.

Well, that’s…good. I think.

Glad Perry’s department-he-wanted-to-do-away-with is on the ball.