
Hannity's Scaremonger of the Day

NJDhockeyfan2/16/2009 10:25:25 pm PST

Responsibility Frenzies in News Coverage:
The Case of the Hillary Clinton Lesbian Rumor

…A few weeks after the press conference, CAN President Martin Mawyer sent an open letter to Mrs. Clinton (which was also delivered to news organizations at the same time) in which he asked her to reveal her sexual orientation and whether she planned to leave her husband if she won a seat in the U.S. Senate. Among other things, the group demanded the names of lesbians who had visited Camp David or stayed in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House. Not surprising, given CAN’s hostile relations with the Clintons or the nature of the charges, there was no response from the First Lady or her campaign staff.

This guy is out of control.