
Louisiana BOE Adopts New Policy Favoring Creationism

Sharmuta1/16/2009 9:44:52 pm PST

re: #573 rondeldon

Not necessarily true. All dictators tend to use “might makes right”. Some times the majority group uses might over the minority.. You will disagree with a social group(i.e. Islam ) belief even if the majority of the members agree. Why is your view superior to theirs or anyone’s if we live our lives based on evolutionary principles?

Because evolutionary principles would say that which is beneficial to the species survives, and that which is harmful or rigid goes extinct. Human consciousness has evolved from at one point having a tribal chief, king, dictator, etc. as the preferred system of government to that of democracy and individual rights. This is because democracy and individual rights have shown a positive benefit to the species, where as dictators have tended to be harmful. The concept of individual rights survives because it has allowed human consciousness to expand on our ideas of that which is morally right and wrong- such as slavery. Tyranny promotes the opposite and has been repeatedly found to harm the species. So- by evolutionary principles, it would seem to benefit our species to combat that which is harmful to it.