
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Salamantis2/21/2009 11:31:51 am PST

re: #418 janjan

So what about the amateur exorcism when he was in college. You mean to tell me that no one else has participated in some wild and woolly stuff in college? What about seances, or wiccan bs, or whatever crazy sh*t people come up with when they are young and pretty stupid. That exorcism doesnt bother me at all.

Nor the fact that he celebrated it in an article he wrote for the New Oxford Review?

I’ll tell you what this shit remonds me of; it reminds me of the time I was suddenly struck with a cluster headache (for those of you who don’t know, they eat migraines for breakfast) in Wal Mart. I began stumbling about, and blindly groping for a wall or shelf to lean on. A woman solicitously asked me what was the matter with me (because something obviously was). I answered as best I was able that I’d suddenly been stricken with a cluster headache.

She grabbed my head with both hands, smacked her forehead into mine, and shouted “HEAL!” The pain this caused me was excruciating and intense. I literally scrteamed, and was barely able to redirect my impulse to lash out into the action of twisting away from her, out of her grasp, and fleeing down the aisle.