
Video: Palin's Anti-Science Word Salad

Cato the Elder4/10/2010 3:08:55 pm PDT

re: #576 Naso Tang

There is no excuse for anyone except the elderly to not learn the dominant language of the country they intend to live in the rest of their life, and it is not just the individuals that are at fault if they don’t, it is the rest of us who treat it like a religious right to not speak English and coddle them instead of forcing them to learn.

Now there’s an all-American idea if I ever heard one. ESL Camps!

(and, as to “press 1 for English”, I never do. If they want my business they will pass me through anyway.)

The joke’s on you. There is no “press 1 for English” option that I’ve ever heard. It’s a wingnut teabagger xenophobic fantasy.