
El Marco: Ward Churchill Trial in Denver

Sharmuta3/09/2009 8:41:11 pm PDT

re: #576 VioletTiger

I think Sharmuta already said this above, but if you really want to get your point across, go after their real bosses—the advertisers. When I got PO’d during the election, I wrote to the advertisers. I sent emails and got some responses back. I even had some people on the phone and they did seem to take my concerns seriously. Don’t know how far this will get you with SNL, as their advertisers probably expect them to offend people.

SNL is NBC which is GE. Good luck getting through to them. The only way to deal with SNL is to help their ratings decline to the point where GE thinks they can get a better conduit for advertising in that time slot.

Boycotting GE is like boycotting China