
Overnight Open Thread

yma o hyd6/18/2009 6:46:55 am PDT

Hiya, Lizard Nation!

If this is a duplicate, please forgive me:

‘Change for Iran’ has sent the following tewwts a couple of hours ago:
‘there is a long list of rebel students & given to all universities & security is to arrest them on sight’

‘& gov is now running a mass media propaganda about US & Israel joint force working in some Internet sites against Iran’

‘also IRG’s involvement in controlling Internet & to fight back us is confirmed. I already can see lot more gov’s twitts than yesterday.’

‘any hope we had for Parliament to stand against ahmady is now ruined, they openly support government today.’

‘and right now state TV is showing a program about how Evil Internet is and US & Britain & Israel are all behind this! this is ridiculous!’

‘state TV & Radio went berserk today, all they saying are moosavi’s supporters are all criminals & they will stop us at any cost

‘we have to leave, it’s not safe here anymore! wish us luck!’