
Rush Limbaugh Questions Oil Spill Timing

582 6:05:56 pm PDT

re: #580 prairiefire

My thinking is that medical professionals make these “under the radar” determinations all the time. Especially with a repeat patient. Much like a triage decision.

I suspect you are correct.

Here’s what is sad to me, and it’s particularly sad for me, I think, because my youngest brother is a drug addict and delusional and has all sorts of problems because of the addiction.

When such a person presents himself to family (or physicians) requesting medical care or other help (financial help in the case of my brother), then there ought to be a way that family or caregivers (phsycians, if that’s the case) can have the person committed for addiction treatment, until the point at which the person can make a rational decision, not one based on his need to feed the addiction.

But you can’t do it. The most that can be done is if the person passes out or whatever, you can bring him to the ER, and then have him placed under observation for a short period of time. It’s a mess.