
Video: Israel and Lebanon Battle Over a Tree

windsagio8/03/2010 3:55:45 pm PDT

re: #566 LudwigVanQuixote

Quickly, for the first part I am just as firmly convinced that you’re mistaken. Where are we now?

For the second, its tough. To be perfectly honest, I don’t think you see the issue clearly due to a number of prejudices and preconceptions you have. Its just not so simple as you present. Beyond that, I don’t see much criticism of Israel on here… not real criticism. The worst I ever saw on the flotilla was ‘maybe they used bad judgement in doing the raid this way.’ The worst on here is ‘maybe it was a misunderstanding about the border’.

That’s hardly being super-critical if Israel… It just seems like it because there’s a deeply defensive mindset on the subject, as well as a monoculture that’s not used to being disrupted.

I hope you all will forgive me for any implied slights, but I thought it would only be fair to answer ludwig’s question absolutely honestly.