
Assange Arrest Imminent

Mark Winter12/03/2010 10:02:22 am PST


Actually I’m rather attacking the Swedish justice system which has become famously biased against males.

Since I go to Sweden quite often (and no, I have never run into legal trouble there) I’ve heard quite horrific stories from friends and acquaintances.

Maybe the Swedish definition of “rape” is weaker than the U.S. one, but sexual offenses against women are so broadly defined that almost any consensual sex can turn into a “sexual offense” months later.

And women are no longer responsible for their accusation because they don’t make them. They “consult” with police and the authorities decide whether a criminal offense was committed or not.

Even if the man can prove his innocence later on and can prove that the allegations were wrong, the woman has nothing to worry about because she never filed charges. Using this “weapon” is completely “risk free” for Swedish women.

See a problem?