
Video: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits Occupy Wall Street

OhNoZombies!11/05/2011 9:21:57 am PDT

I’m thinking in general terms. I’m thinking holistically, it’s against my nature to think otherwise.
To think that humans are altruistic does not deny our tendency toward tribalism and violence and power grabbing.
But we also have the ability to recognize the danger in these things.
Do you think the process of human evolution has stopped? That this is how it’s always been, so this is all we will ever be?
I don’t. There would have been no enlightenment otherwise, and we may as well give up.
Religion in general, is the attempt to create order from chaos. Its intent is to understand why, for example, bad things happen to good people, why we’re here
Things that are perceived as unknowable.
The weak, in the terms I’m thinking of, are the weak in the tribe.