
Uncle Jimbo Apologizes, Banned User Lies

Catttt3/06/2009 12:17:05 pm PST

re: #515 ploome hineni

can you make this up?

Parents facing prosecution after removing children from school in protest at ‘Romeo and Julian’ play

From your link:

Mr Latif, from Leytonstone, said: ‘We were worried because weren’t sure how they were going to teach our children these issues.

‘We don’t think it is necessary to teach it for a whole week and the children are so young. It is more appropriate for secondary school.

‘Most children that age don’t understand these things. When we took our children out of school we had to explain why - they didn’t know what two parents the same sex meant.’

Lovely. Let’s sexualize preteens.

Now Mr. and Mrs. Latif are in a position where they need to explain same-sex relationships to a nine-year old and a 10-year old who had not given a thought to such things so will have many questions, and they are worried about being charged with a crime for removing their kids from the “lesson.”

And apparently Google has not been enlightened yet:

View all web results for romeo-and-julien

Did you mean to search for: “romeo and juliet”