
Dave Weigel Digs Through LGF's Archives Looking for Dirt

LGoPs4/27/2009 5:15:44 pm PDT

re: #558 alegrias


Karl Rove on Fox News Cable replying to question about Bush Administration’s not defending themselves assertively against accusations from and others angry at Bush Administration for protecting America forcefully.

Huge error, mistake of this Administration to end enhanced interrogation techniques and tell the world as if it was wrong for us to have done so, which it wasn’t in the Bush Administration’s opinion.

Wrong thing to do, makes us less safe. Says Karl Rove.

NYT is right to worry that it’s stock is in the toilet, Sulzberger is an elitist effete snob! Per Karl Rove

The big lesson here is that you fight back. For whatever reason the Bush Administration did not defend itself against years of accusations and when you don’t punch back, all the public hears is the punches landing from one side….and that’s what they remember. And then you end up with a high disapproval rating. No need to scratch your head too long on figuring that one out.
Lesson Learned: Punch the fuck back.