
Tiller Murder Suspect Identified, Posted at Operation Rescue

Shug5/31/2009 8:51:40 pm PDT

David Duke gets a lot of negative press.
So do the nice folks at CAIR
and Bill Ayers.
and Robert Spencer.
and Fred Phelps
and Don Black
( and they all deserve it )

how is the negative reporting that Bill Reilly did against Dr Tiller, any different than the negative reporting many with good conscience do against the people listed above?
IMO, what Dr tiller did was not right. I do not believe he had appropriate medical justification for every late term abortion he did. He was rightly criticized. Many people in the medical community think what he was doing was vile.
I’ve read the transcript of at least one of the segments O’Reilly did so I am familiar with the level of rhetoric he was using. Red meat for sure, but the nature of the topic and what Tiller was doing couldn’t really be discussed in a non-inflammatory fashion.

there are nuts everywhere, so how far is going too far when it comes to those with a public voice, speaking out against acts they deem reprehensible? When is red meat, inciting violence ?

and furthermore, how far does the liability extend if a nut happens to harm one of the individuals who has received public criticism ?

These are discussions we need to have. When is it OK to criticize somebody, and how far is too much?
Nobody wants to see a person hurt as a result of criticizing them, but at the same time nobody wants to refrain from offering criticism when it’s due.

There is no justification for what that Roeder guy did. Zero. Let me make that clear.