
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

itellu3times7/05/2009 9:55:32 pm PDT

re: #529 subsailor68

Assuming I can accept the overall premise of your example, there is one assumption that I find a bit troubling:

Then the government disburses the money to pay for indigents, instead of a profit-seeking hospital deciding to do so.

Given the track record of AMTRAK, the post office, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac, and just about every other example of government trying to show the private sector how to do things efficiently and effectively……

I’d probably go with the profit-seeking hospital - given that you’ve only offered those two options.


I know, Amtrak, Canada, … but on the other hand, I have trouble believing the insurance companies are actually adding value.

Not saying it’s easy, just want to move and try something. From what I’ve seen of our current system, if others are worse, that’s plenty bad. I say there’s a lot of room for improvement.