
Keith Jarrett Trio: When I Fall in Love

RogueOne3/30/2012 9:49:24 am PDT

I had forgotten about the tea party “rapist”:

Charges Dropped Against Michael Kobulnicky

Dropped because of this:
Alleged rape victim says DA has wrong man

SAN DIEGO — A woman who claimed she was kidnapped and raped on Fiesta Island last month told a judge Monday that the man accused in the case is not her attacker, although his attorneys have said he had consensual sexual contact with her.
He stood silently in San Diego Superior Court at his bail review hearing Monday as the alleged victim spoke to the judge.

“This man is not the man who attacked me,” said the 56-year-old woman, who apparently saw television footage of Kobulnicky’s arraignment a week ago. “It’s like night and day.

On Friday, his defense lawyers said at a news conference that the accuser was a hitchhiker Kobulnicky picked up in Linda Vista and that the two had a consensual sexual encounter on Fiesta Island. Two of the woman’s acquaintances came forward later and said the woman had lied about the attack in hopes of getting money and notoriety.

At Monday’s bail hearing, the woman said, “When I saw this man being arraigned, I was in shock.” She said she had told police her attacker was tall with short, solid-colored black hair.

Nothing about this story makes any sense. BTW even after she said, in court, that he wasn’t the one responsible the prosecutor still argued that his bail should be kept at $500k.