
"Blue Tarp" Guy Killed; Ryan Bundy, Ammon Bundy, Jon Ritzheimer, Pete Santilli Arrested

No Malarkey!1/27/2016 8:48:41 am PST

re: #535 Shiplord Kirel

It’s just a sad fact that we are going to see some backlash from this. Most of the militia/conspiracy kooks are just losers who want an excuse to blow the kids’ college money on what amounts to a dress up game. There are millions of them however and; with non-stop incitement from the commercial conspiracy industry, crazed gun churches, and evil quacks like Michele Fiore; the absolute number of true believers is high enough to create a major problem.

This will probably take the form of lone wolf attacks with some attacks by small bands as well (worth noting at this point that Tim McVeigh did not act alone). Given the militia dupes’ favorite fantasies, and the difficulty of acquiring explosives these days, this will consist largely of attempted sniper attacks on government facilities, officials, and employees as well as NGOs, and media and private citizens who have been outspokenly critical of the kooks. Suicidal take overs and mass shooting attempts can also be expected from the most deranged believers. Some sabotage against infrastructure is also likely where the kooks can manage it.

Btw, RWNJ icon Gordon Liddy wrote a very helpful article about sabotage by right wing insurrectionists for a national magazine back in the 80s, spelling out lucrative and vulnerable targets and workable methods. A lot of it still holds. Thanks, Gordon, you reckless asshole.

So, batten down the hatches and be prepared for some bad news in the days ahead. The violent kooks will have to taken down one at a time, often only after they have acted. This is a high price to pay, to be sure, but we have paid more for a lot less in the past, and the rule of law itself cannot be held hostage by threats from insane criminals and professional charlatans.

I think you are overestimating how many of these internet warriors are actually willing to risk their lives.