
CNN's Staged Video Updates

swamprat1/14/2009 8:07:25 pm PST

re: #576 Last Mohican

I’m very glad to see that all of us, particularly Charles, are staying on top of the fake CPR story.

In his “bring it on” news conference, Mads Gilbert announced that he had posthumous photos of Mahmoud Mashhawari, and that he intended to publish them for all to see.

I’m not sure what he hopes to accomplish by this. We’re not claiming that Mahmoud Mashhawari didn’t die. We’re only observing that the resuscitation scene that Gilbert was supervising was, quite obviously, fake. Nevertheless, I’m interested to see what Gilbert comes up with, and I hope Charles publishes a link as soon as the photos are released. If they are released. Nobody has seen anything yet, right?

Uh, Two boys supposedly met Allah, not one. The other boy’s name is Achmed. He was the cousin. Cousin Achmed, he died too. No pictures. No death certificate, but we have the word of a grieving cameraman and the British channel 4. Achmed. Achmed died. Cousin Achmed whom no one talks about died without pictures, certificate, description, or even a last name. Let us not forget Achmed!