
US Airways Plane Crashes into Hudson River

Fat Bastard Vegetarian1/15/2009 2:48:47 pm PST

re: #532 albusteve

actually Bar Head geese have been seen at over 33000 ft….over the Himalyas…I knew you’d want to know….

Thank you for fact checking that. Everybody I tell that story to, calls me on it.

Captain had just said, “We’re descending to 21,000 feet on our approach to Den [thud] ve…. and …. uh…” then he turned off his mike. Just as started talking, I looked out the window, upon the thud, saw a white cloud of debris pass my window (very quickly, btw).

Captain thought something had shifted underneath in the hold, I sent a message forward (via the flight attendant).

Like I said, he said it looked like we had been hit by 3 bowling balls.